AfterBurner Documentation

Custom Fields

Note: Adding custom fields will only be necessary when brought up by designer or project manager.

To add a new custom field:

  1. Click the Custom Fields menu item.
  2. You’ll be brought to the Custom Content Types page. Click the blue Add New Content Type button.
  3. You’ll be brought to the Create Definition page:

    Example of creating a definition 

  4. In the Definition Name field, name your custom definition. This is for your use only and is not published on your website.
  5. In the Name field, name the field that you want to include in your custom definition? -- field
  6. In the Type drop down, select the type of content that you want (e.g. text, html, image)
  7. In the Searchable drop down, select yes or no.

Add an Element to a Custom Definition

    1. Click the green + button.

Delete an Element from a Custom Definition

  1. Click the red X button to the left of the element you want to delete. 