AfterBurner Documentation


Add a Custom Attribute

To add a new custom attribute: 

  1. Click the Attributes menu item.
  2. Click the blue Add New Attribute button.
  3. You will be brought to the Edit Attribute page:

    Edit Attribute page

  4. In the Name field, name the attribute. This is for your use only and is not published on the site.
  5. The Description field is not applicable.
  6. The Multi-Select field is only applicable for search wizard attributes.
  7. In the Values field, add a value by clicking the blue + button to the right:
    1. Value are sections of the attribute. For example, if you create an attribute named "Category," you may create values like "Featured on Homepage," "Web Design," and "Digital Marketing," so you can attribute a Page or Article to those categories.

     Add Value blue + button

  8. After clicking the blue + button, the value will appear. Click the Edit drop-down arrow to the right:

    Edit value drop-down arrow

  9. After opening the drop-down, the Values pop-up will appear:

    Values pop-up

  10. In the Value field, name the value. This is for your use only and is not published on the site.
  11. The Description field is not applicable. 
  12. Click Save. 

Delete an Attribute

To delete an attribute:

  1. Click the blue Edit button to the left of the attribute you want to delete.
  2. Click Move to trash in the Activity window on the right. 

    The Move to trash button in the Activity window

  3. Click Save

Delete a Value

To delete a value:

  1. Click the Edit drop-down arrow to the right of the value you want to delete. 
  2. Click Remove.

    Example of removing a value

  3. Click Save.
