Click below to jump right to the section you're interested in.

Add New Users
Unlock a User
Add a New Page
Creating Articles
Show Articles
Feature Blocks
Form Builder - New Form
Form Builder - Add Form Fields
Image Manager
Add a Photo Gallery
Maintain Slideshow
Misc Content
Moderating Comments


Add New Users

  1. Click on the “Users” tab
  2. Click “Add User”
  3. Enter username
  4. Enter password
    1. At least 6 characters
    2. At least 1 uppercase
    3. At least 1 lowercase
    4. At least 1 number or 1 non-alphanumeric character
  5. Retype password
  6. Enter email address

    *Important for “Lost Password” feature and resetting passwords

  7. Enter First and Last Name
  8. Assign permissions
    1. Content: Approve – ability to approve content, but not publish
    2. Content: Delete – ability to delete pages
    3. Content: Edit – ability to edit content and save
    4. Content: Publish – ability to publish content live
    5. Admin – full access to the CMS and ability to perform all functions as above
    1. Link Google+ Authorship profile if desired
    2. Click “Save”

Unlock a User

  1. Click on the “Users” tab
  2. Click “Edit” next to locked out user
  3. Uncheck “Locked Out” flag
    1. Click “Save”

Add a New Page

  1. Click "Add"
  2. Select “Parent Page” if creating a subpage
  3. Select page layout if your design includes additional options
  4. If the page will display in the menu, select “Show in Menu”
    1. Assign order number to designate placement
    2. Enter text if you would like the menu item to display differently than page heading
    3. Enter alternate URL if the menu item will link to an external site
  5. If your design supports header links and you would like to add the page to the header, select “Show in Header Links”
    1. Assign order number to designate placement
    2. Enter text if you would like the header item to display differently than page heading
  6. If your design supports footer links and you would like to add the page to the footer, select “Show in Footer Links”
    1. Assign order number to designate placement
    2. Enter text if you would like the footer item to display differently than page heading
  7. If you would like to display articles on this page select “Show articles”
    1. Designate the number of articles to display
    2. Select archive preference
    3. Designate the article sort preference
    4. Select which article categories will show on the page (*category must be created first)
  8. Enter “Page Heading”
  9. Type content into the “Page Content” box
    1. If pasting from another source, paste as plain text
  10. Enter “Meta Data”
  11. If you would like to make the page invisible, uncheck “Page is Visible”

    If you would like to make top menu items unclickable, uncheck “Page is Linkable”

  12. If you would like to add a form to the page select form from dropdown (*form must already have been built in formbuilder)
  13. “Save” will save the webpage in the backend, “Approve” will only be used if roles are assigned, “Publish” will make the page live on the front end and “Rollback” will restore last live page or last backup

Creating Articles

      1. Click on the “Articles” tab
      2. Click “Add”
      3. Select the article options you would like to utilize
        1. Display Article – makes article visible to front end users
        2. Allow Comments – allow users to comment on articles
        3. Allow Sharing – show sharing icon tool bar
        4. Show 'Authored By' – show article author’s name on the front end
      4. Enter a “Post Date”
      5. If using articles as a calendar, enter an “Event Start Date”
      6. Select the “Article Category” to assign article to a page
      7. If using articles as a calendar, select “Article Tag” to assign to a filter category on the front end

Show Articles

      1. Click “Edit” next to the page you would like to display articles on
      2. Check off “Show Articles”
      3. Set the number of articles you would like to display
      4. Select archive preference

        * The archive timeframes will be based on the article post dates (i.e. 30 days from 01/01/1900)

      5. Determine how you would like the articles to be sorted

        * “Start Date”is typically used for calendars and events

      6. Select the category(s) of articles you would like to display on the page
        *Categories and tags must already exist

Feature Blocks

      1. Click “Edit” next to the page you wish to make a feature block
      2. Check off the box marked “Featured”
      3. *Depending on your design, the following steps and abilities may vary. Check with your Project Manager on what fields are utilized in your design.

      4. Check off the location in which this page will appear
      5. Enter the heading text you would like to appear on the block in “Heading”

        *If this is left blank, the featured area will pull in the page heading by default

      6. Enter in a feature block caption to the “Content” area
      7. Select “Choose File” to add a corresponding image for the area
      8. If there are multiple feature blocks in one section, you will want to assign an order priority

Form Builder - New Form

      1. Click "Form Builder"
      2. Click "Add New"
      3. Enter a form name
      4. Enter a Redirect URL after a form is submitted – i.e. /thank-you/
      5. Enter “Email To” address of the person receiving a copy of the form submissions
      6. Enter “Email From” address you want the form to appear to come from – i.e.
      7. Enter “Email Subject” that you want to appear – i.e. Website Design Request Form Submission
      8. Enter “Email BCC” if you want someone else to be blind copied on the form submissions
      9. Check “Email User” if you would like person submitting form to receive a confirmation
      10. Enter “Email User From” address you want the confirmation to appear to come from – i.e.
      11. Enter “Email User Subject” that you want to appear – i.e. Thank You For Your Request
      12. Enter “Email Header Misc. Content” that you want to appear in the body of the email confirmation
      13. Enter “Email Footer Misc. Content” that you want to appear in the signature of the email confirmation
      14. Check “Active” if you want to make for active to use
      15. If you would like to change the name of the “Submit” or “Cancel” buttons enter a different name
      16. Click “Save”


Form Builder – Add Form Fields

      1. Complete steps in “Form Builder – Add New Form” documentation
      2. Click “Edit” next to the form you created
      3.  Click "Add New"
      4. Select field type
        1. Text – i.e. first name, last name, address
        2. Multiline Textbox – i.e. please describe, explain, comments, questions
        3. Label – to label a section of questions – i.e. personal information
        4. Misc Content – add a misc. content block for text without an entry field – i.e. rules, conditions
        5. Date Picker – select a date from a calendar
        6. Dropdown List – single select options – i.e. what is your favorite color?
        7. Check Box – single check box – i.e. active
        8. Check Box List – multi select options i.e. which of the following do you own
        9. Radio Button List – single select options – i.e. which age group are you?
        10. File Upload – allow users to attach documents or photos
      5. Provide “field label”
      6. Provide “placeholder” if you would like to prefill a field
      7. If you would like to limit characters provide “length”
      8. Check if field is required
      9. Provide a number to sequence fields (* ideally use multiples more than 1 in case you would like to add an field in the middleof two others later on)
      10. Click “Save”
      11. Repeat steps 3-10 to add additional fields

For fields with options –

      1. Follow steps 5, 8, 9 & 10 from above
      2. Select “Edit” on the field needing options
      3. Click “Add Option”
      4. Enter “Option Label”
      5. Enter “Stored Value” – how you want the value to appear in the form submission (typically the same as “Option Label”)
      6. Enter “Sequence” number to order how the options appear (* ideally use multiples more than 1 in case you would like to add an field in the middleof two others later on)
      7. Click “Save"
      8. Repeat steps 3-9 to add additional options

Image Manager

      1. Select where you would like the image to appear with in the text
      2. Click on the “Image Manager” icon

        To upload a new image – skip to step 7 if image is already uploaded

      3. Click “Upload”
      4. Click “Select” and browse your computer to select a file
      5. If you would like to overwrite an existing file with the same name check the box
      6. Click “Upload
      7. Select image in the list
      8. Click the lock icon and adjust the photo size as desired
      9. Select how you would like your image to be aligned within the text
      10. Add image border, if desired
      11. Enter “Alt Text” to aid in Google image searches and screen readers
      12. Set margins to give a buffer between the text and image (*10 is a good margin)
      13. Click “Insert”

Add a Photo Gallery

      1. Click on the “Photo Galleries” tab
      2. Click “Add New Gallery”
      3. Provide a “Gallery Name”
      4. Click “Save”
      5. Click “Add New Album” – only 1 album should be in each gallery
      6. Provide a “Gallery Name”
      7. Click “Save”
      8. Click “Album Images”
      9. Click “Upload Photos” and browse your computer and select photos
      10. Copy and paste gallery code on content page where you would like gallery to appear

Maintain Slideshow

      1. Click on “Slideshow” tab
      2. If you have multiple slideshows, select the gallery you would like to add or edit
      3. To add a new slider, click “Add Image”

        To edit an existing slider, click “Edit” above the corresponding image

      4. To add an image, click “Choose File” (if the image is too small, a warning message will appear after you click save with the minimum dimensions)
      5. To deactivate an image, deselect “Active”
      6. Set the order priority based on the order you would like the photos to appear
      7. Depending on your design, enter in a caption, description and link to add the text overlay to your slide
      8. Click “Save”

Misc Content

      1. Select “Misc. Content”
      2. To edit misc. content areas select “Edit” on the appropriate area
        1. Footer address – edit footer address section “Quonochontaug Central Beach Fire District Charlestown, RI 02813”
        2. Homepage Bottom Content Block Right – edit last content section on the homepage

Moderating Comments

      1. Click on the “Comments” tab
      2. Click “Approve” or “Reject”

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