
4 Ways Every Business Should Be Promoting on Social Media

Promoting a business on social media is a vital part of any digital marketing strategy. But how can businesses make their social media channel connect with their users? What is the best social media promotion strategy? What types of content do consumers and users interact with most across all social platforms?

It’s important to remember that social media was created for interaction. It is not only a place to promote your products and services but to reach out to existing and potential clients. We listed a few tips on how to promote your business on social in a way that’s appealing, genuine, and mutually beneficial.

1. Personalize Your Social Media Profile

Behind your business, there are people. Users want to see who they’re speaking with, and businesses want to know what your company’s team is like. Users are less likely to interact with an account without a profile photo, and this truth extends to business accounts. Displaying your team in social posts and on profile pages give your company a sense of transparency, a principle that is highly valued on the internet. 

What’s more, users have begun using social as a means to ask questions directly to the brand or company. If a business is looking to win trust and loyalty from their social users, they must see the user as an individual and address any personalized concerns as swiftly and publicly as possible. This can be accomplished using live chat, or responding to reviews, posts, and messages.

It’s reported that 89% of messages to social media messages go ignored, even though social has surpassed phone and email as the first place people turn to when they have an issue. 30% of people will go to competitor if a brand doesn’t respond—don’t let that brand be you!

Personalize your social by showing your team, answering messages professionally, and interacting with users actively, and your company’s social will not only become a natural place for users to address their needs directly but will also be remembered in a positive light.

2. Visuals! VisualsVisuals!

There is no mistaking that visuals dominate text, both in terms of standing out and in increasing brand awareness. People are wired to comprehend and remember pictures more than any other sense; three days after hearing a piece of information, they will remember 10% of it, but with a picture, they’ll remember 65%. 

Marketers have already seen the value in adding visuals to their posts. 85% of social media marketers reported to use visual assets in their social media marketing. Blogs (68%) and videos (60%) were next as major assets as both contain visual elements and educational information that attract users. Furthermore, a study by Wharton School of Business found that 67% of their audience were persuaded by a verbal presentation with visuals compared to the 55% persuaded when shown only a verbal presentation. Visuals enhance all types of content!

Infographics are especially effective at generating interests and being retained. The visual elements of infographics make them 30 times more likely to be read than pure text and is proven to be more memorable than content that is only read or heard. They are tools that are flexible, creative, and can be used by any industry.

Improving your social can be as simple as making infographics and videos to promote events and educate users on products or services. Add visuals to your content to make them memorable!

3. Apply Links to Your Social Posts

If your social doesn’t include links to content on your website, it’s time to consider where you are leading your audience. Social media marketing is about creating relationships by promoting your audience wants to see. Without content, there is no evidence of your company’s expertise or a way for users to know what your company does! Educate, be consistent, and be active—links to blog posts on your website are a great way to start letting your users know what your business can offer them.

Displaying that you’re an expert in the field also means reading and sharing other people’s content. Be sure to support company partners, clients, and other experts in your industry by reading and sharing their posts every so often. Remember—social was made for sharing and interaction! Replying to others’ posts is also one of the best ways your social can maintain business relationships and prove you and your company are an active listener in your industry.

4. Recycle Your Best Performing Posts

After spending hours collecting information, creating visuals, and editing your writing, you most likely want your content to reach as many people as possible. If your past blog posts, infographics, or videos contain evergreen content and hold merit / valuable information weeks, months, or years later—repost it! 

By recycling your old content, you can keep your social fresh and reach more users. Experiment on what days and times work best to optimize engagement with your posts, and you’ll have valuable data to help schedule your social!

Want to improve your social media marketing? Call us at 401-828-6611 or contact us on our website today!


Check out our related post on How to Use Social Media for B2B Marketing

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